A set of four freedan studios pieces


Portrait of the artist

Sitting portrait of the artist, courtesy of Alma Doumani

Daniel Freeman is a lifelong designer and explorer, with a penchant for the mystic. His art has long served as a means of expressing himself, by drawing or painting that which words struggled to convey. The act of creation is a hunger within him, without which he is left repressed and silenced. He takes inspiration from art’s ability to transform what began as a thought into countless new forms.

In his personal life, Daniel is an avid reader, delving into a diverse range of topics, including shamanism, psychology, economics, and more. He actively seeks out new and interesting experiences, as well. Daniel has worked with meditation practices, and plant medicines such as Ayahuasca for years. He incorporates what he finds from these explorations into his works, and hopes that others can learn and benefit from them in turn.